July 22, 2024

Green coffee : Benefits & Side effects | Fit Health Code

Whether it is tea or coffee, both have an important place in our daily routine. In earlier times people used to consume tea and coffee just for the taste. But today people consume tea and coffee to overcome many problems ranging from good health to reducing obesity. Due to the warming effect of coffee, it is said to keep the heart healthy and invigorate the body.


Apart from this, talk about green coffee, by extracting green seeds from coffee plants, grinding them without roasting them, which is called green coffee. According to Ayurveda, many such beneficial elements are found in green coffee, which are beneficial for good health.

How to use and consume Green Coffee

Keep the green coffee seeds in water overnight and in the morning boil the water along with the seeds in low flame for at least 15 minutes, until the green color of the seeds comes in the water. Then take out this water and filter it well. When the water becomes normal, drink it. Apart from this, 1 cup of hot water mixed with 1 teaspoon green coffee powder can be consumed.

Advantages and disadvantages of Green Coffee

Now talk about the benefits of green coffee that it helps in keeping the body healthy along with removing many physical problems. But excessive consumption of green coffee can cause many physical problems. Therefore, before consuming green coffee, let us go into detail about the advantages and disadvantages of green coffee from this article.

Benefits of green coffee

Some amazing benefits of green coffee are :

1) Helpful in redycung weight

Green coffee can also be consumed to reduce weight. Because some such properties are found in green coffee, which controls the desire to eat and is helpful in regulating irregular appetite which can help in reducing weight. Therefore, it can be said that the consumption of green coffee can be beneficial for reducing weight.

2) Prevention of cancer

Green coffee is beneficial for the prevention of cancer. According to experts, green coffee has anti-proliferative (reducing tumor cells) properties. Which are helpful in preventing cancer cells from growing in the body and help in preventing cancer. Therefore, it can be said that the consumption of coffee can be beneficial to prevent cancer.

3) Beneficial for bones

Consumption of green coffee is also beneficial for strong bones. Calcium is found in green coffee. Calcium serves as a key component for bone health. Along with keeping the bones strong, it also helps in the development of bones. Therefore, to maintain strong bones, consumption of green coffee can be beneficial.

4) Beneficial for hair health

Consumption of green coffee is beneficial for hair health. Many nutrients like vitamin-C and iron are found in green coffee. According to experts, the nutrients found in green coffee, along with keeping the hair healthy and strong, help in removing other hair problems as well. Therefore it can be said. Green coffee can be beneficial to keep hair healthy and strong.

5) Helpful in reducing headache

Consumption of green coffee is also beneficial to overcome the problem of headache. The caffeine present in green coffee can be helpful in reducing headaches. Apart from this, according to experts, consumption of green coffee can improve the condition of migraine. Which is helpful in reducing the unbearable pain of migraine. Therefore, it can be said that the consumption of green coffee can help in curing headache.

6) Controls cholesterol

Consumption of green coffee is also beneficial for keeping cholesterol normal. According to experts, some such properties are found in green coffee, which reduce the level of bad cholesterol and increase the amount of good cholesterol. It also helps in keeping the level of cholesterol normal. Therefore, it can be said that the consumption of green coffee can be beneficial to control cholesterol.

7) Beneficial for skin health

Consumption of green coffee is also beneficial for skin health. According to a research, anti-aging properties are found in green coffee. Anti-aging properties, beneficial for skin health. Which keep the skin healthy and also help in keeping it beautiful. Apart from this, the anti-aging properties help in curing skin problems that occur with aging. Therefore, consumption of green coffee can be beneficial to keep the skin healthy and beautiful.

Side effects of green coffee

The high amount of caffeine present in green coffee can be harmful. High amounts of caffeine in the body can cause insomnia, restlessness and stress. So avoid excessive consumption of green coffee.

• Excessive consumption of green coffee can cause diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.

• Consumption of green coffee in excess can cause many diseases such as high blood pressure, bleeding disorders and increased heart and respiratory rates.

• If a person consumes any particular type of medicine, then that person should consult his doctor before consuming green coffee.

• Pregnant and lactating women should avoid excessive consumption of green coffee. Apart from this, even small children should not consume green coffee.

Thanks for reading this Article.

Also read | Coffee : Health benefits, Side effects and precautions – Fit Health Code

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