July 20, 2024

What are the benefits of drinking turmeric water ?

Turmeric is a spice full of medicinal properties, which gives many wonderful benefits to health.  Turmeric is called Turmeric in English and the effect of turmeric is hot.  Naturally turmeric is yellow in color, but in its raw state, turmeric looks exactly like ginger.


In India, turmeric is mainly used to flavor food. But due to the medicinal properties of turmeric, turmeric not only used to enhance the taste of food.

Rather, for good health, consume turmeric with milk and it is also done with water, by drinking which the body can be kept healthy.

Actually, the medicinal properties present in turmeric, along with health, keep the body away from many physical diseases and in the stage of illness, by reducing the symptoms of the disease, it is helpful in keeping the body healthy.


There are many advantages and disadvantages of drinking turmeric water.

So today we will tell you through this article of ours.  What are the health benefits of drinking turmeric mixed with water.  Let us go into detail about the advantages and disadvantages of drinking turmeric water from our article.

Nutrients found in Turmeric

Turmeric is rich in water, energy, protein, carbohydrate, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium along with many nutrients like vitamin B6, vitamin E and vitamin K. .

Medicinal properties found in turmeric

Turmeric has many medicinal properties such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antiseptic, antitumor, cardioprotective and hepato protective.

How to drink turmeric water ?

Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of water and mix it well. If you want, you can also add honey to it for taste. If you want to get the full benefits of turmeric water, then you should consume turmeric water every morning on an empty.

Benefits of drinking Turmeric water

  • It helps to reduce weight

Drinking turmeric water is beneficial for reducing weight, the curcumin present in turmeric helps in controlling weight. So drinking turmeric water reduces the extra fat stored in the body gradually, which helps in reducing weight.

  • It helps to prevent cancer

Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties, which help prevent cancer cells from growing in the body and are helpful in preventing cancer, so drinking turmeric water is beneficial to prevent deadly diseases like cancer.

  • It helps to strengthen immunity

The nutrients present in turmeric strengthen the body’s immune system and provide it with the ability to fight disease. Apart from this, the antibacterial, antiseptic and antibiotic properties present in turmeric protect the body from bacterial infections. It is beneficial to drink turmeric water during the winter season, which protects the body from common seasonal fever like cold, cough, cold etc.

  • It helps to reduce physical inflammation

Drinking turmeric water is beneficial to reduce physical swelling. Actually, turmeric has curcumin and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing physical inflammation. Due to these medicinal properties of turmeric, turmeric is also used to make many Ayurvedic medicines.

  • It is beneficial for digestive health

Drinking turmeric mixed with water acts as a key ingredient for digestive health, which helps in improving digestion and keeping the digestive system healthy and strong. Apart from this, turmeric water also removes the problem of gas and flatulence.

  • It helps to control diabetes

Turmeric has antidiabetic properties, which help in reducing the level of sugar present in the blood, keeping it normal and is helpful in preventing diabetes, so drinking turmeric water is beneficial for diabetics.

  • It is beneficial for skin health

Not only for health, but the benefits of turmeric are also for skin health, turmeric has many properties like anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant, which protect the skin from bacterial infections and help in keeping the skin healthy. Drinking turmeric water regularly reduces the effect of free radicals, which helps in keeping the skin young, by reducing the effects of aging of the skin.

  • To remove impurities present in the blood

Turmeric water helps in flushing out the toxins present in the blood and is helpful in purifying the blood. Apart from this, drinking turmeric water does not coagulate blood in the body, due to which blood circulation remains good.

Harms of drinking Turmeric water

  • Antidiabetic properties are found in turmeric, so excessive intake of turmeric water can cause the problem of low sugar.
  • Some people may experience allergic reactions such as headache and skin rashes after consuming turmeric water.
  • Pregnant women should consult their doctor before drinking turmeric water.
  • Drinking turmeric water in excessive amounts can cause side effects, which can lead to kidney stone problems.
  • If a person takes any special type of medicines, then that person should consult a doctor before drinking turmeric water.
  • Drinking turmeric water in excess can cause bleeding problems along with vomiting, diarrhea and nausea.

This is all about benefits and harms of drinking turmeric water. I hope you have got an important information from this article. Kindly subscribe to our newsletter for getting instant notifications of upcoming articles.

Thanks for reading this article

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