July 20, 2024

Menopause – Symptoms, Causes and correct age of Menopause

Menopause means a woman stops having periods or periods.  If you do not have periods for a year, it is considered menopause.  Millions of women go through menopause every year.  This is a process that occurs around the age of 50 and cannot be controlled.

Ovulation stops in women due to menopause and they cannot get pregnant.  There are some symptoms of menopause, such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes, sleeplessness, loss of libido and headache.  Depending on the condition, some women may also have more severe symptoms, such as bone pain and osteoporosis.

Most of the symptoms of menopause can be controlled.  If they are not controlled, then hormone replacement therapy is available for them, which gives some relief.  However, these therapies also have their side effects, including the risk of getting cancer.

For this reason, it is better to prepare yourself mentally to face the symptoms of this natural process than to seek any treatment for menopause and consult your doctor to control the symptoms.
In this article, we have told about the symptoms of menopause and measures to control them.  Along with this, the exact age of menopause and its treatment has also been told here.

Correct Age of Menopause

The exact age of menopause depends on the woman’s health, hormones and her geographic area.  This age varies from woman to woman.  Indian women are more likely to have menopause earlier than women in Western countries.

The average age of menopause for women worldwide is 51, but for women in India, this age is 46.2 years.  You can have menopause at any time from 45 to 50 years of age.  Premature menopause can also be a matter of concern.

Premature Menopause

Premature menopause not only reduces fertility, but also increases the risk of osteoporosis.  For this reason, it is essential that you prepare yourself mentally for menopause, so that its desires can be controlled.

Menopause can be detected by abnormal menstruation, such as irregular periods, or abnormal changes in the timing of menstruation or bleeding.

High body mass index, excess body fat, or taking birth control pills increases the age of menopause.  This means that women who have a heavier lower body are more likely to have early menopause.  In addition, lower-class women and women who have not had children are more likely to have early menopause.

To control the symptoms of premature menopause, pre-menopausal women are given vitamin D and calcium supplements according to their health status.  However, do not take these supplements without a doctor’s advice.  Apart from this, it is also necessary to make lifestyle changes on time.

Causes of Menopause

Menopause is caused by changes in the hormone activities that lead to ovulation and menstruation.  As a woman gets older, the amount of follicles that grow each month in her body decreases, leading to abnormal menstrual symptoms before menopause.  It is because of the follicles that eggs are released from the ovaries.  After the age of 40, fewer follicles start developing and they gradually decrease.  Eventually these follicles stop developing, causing menstruation to stop.

Menopause Symptoms

Most of the symptoms associated with menopause are actually experienced during perimenopause.  These symptoms arise due to low production of estrogen and progesterone hormones.  Some women do not feel any unbearable symptoms, but for some these symptoms cause a lot of trouble.  These are experienced before menopause or for a few years after.

The symptoms of menopause vary from woman to woman.  These symptoms affect you physically, mentally and emotionally.

  • Hot Flashes During Menopause

Hot flashes are the primary symptom many women feel during menopause.  It starts feeling hot in the body.  You can feel it in the upper part of your body or all over your body.  You experience redness on the face and neck and in this case there is excessive sweating.

The problem of hot flashes is sometimes so severe that it can even wake you from sleep.  Most women experience this symptom for 1-2 years after menopause.  If it is unbearable, then you must consult a doctor, he can tell you a better solution.

  • Vaginal Dryness and Pain During Menopause

Low production of estrogen and progesterone (female hormones) affects the outer thin layer of the vagina (which provides moisture to the vagina).  Vaginal dryness can be experienced in women at any time, but it is a special problem during menopause.  During this, you may experience itching, stinging, burning, etc. around the vulva.  Vagina dryness, causes extreme pain during sex and sometimes you also have frequent urination.  Use a vaginal moisturizer to combat this dryness.  If you are not getting relief even after doing this, then consult a doctor.  Having sex or sexual activities increases blood circulation in that area, which prevents the problem of vaginal dryness.

  • Sleeplessness During Menopause

7-8 hours of sleep is very important to stay healthy, but sleeplessness is a common problem during menopause.  Sometimes you wake up early or can’t sleep at bedtime.  So exercise as much as you can and keep yourself busy.  Keep the cell phone away while sleeping because its light is a big reason for not sleeping.  Taking bath, reading, listening to melodious music before sleeping helps in getting good sleep.  The best way to get sleep is to make a habit of sleeping on time and avoid consuming such foods before sleeping which run away from sleep like – chocolate, caffeine, alcohol etc.

  • Frequent Urination During Menopause

It is common to lose control of your bladder during menopause.  You begin to feel a feeling of passing urine before the bladder is full, and during this time there is also pain.  It is caused by menopause because in this your vagina and bladder lose flexibility and the surrounding pelvic muscles also become weak.  To get relief from the problem of frequent urination, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, drink plenty of water and keep the pelvic muscles strong with the help of Kegel exercises.  Even after this, if the problem does not subside, consult a doctor.

  • Urinary Tract Infections During Menopause

Some women experience urinary tract infections (UTIs) during menopause.  Low levels of estrogen and changes in the urinary tract at this time make you susceptible to infection.  In case of infection, contact the doctor without delay.

  • Other effects of menopause

The negative symptoms of menopause are widely talked about, but there are also some good symptoms.  Some women, especially those who have had heavy periods in the past, generally feel better after menopause.  Women who have irregular periods or who take birth control pills feel comfortable after menopause.  One positive effect of menopause is that you don’t need to worry about contraception, which can have a positive effect on your sex life.  Women spend one-third of their lives after menopause, so it’s important to be happy and emotionally satisfied.

Thanks for reading this article

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